• Natural perils insurance and compensation arrangements in six countries 

      Sandberg, Eli; Økland, Andreas; Tyholt, Inger Lise (Klima 2050 Report;21 E, Research report, 2020)
      This study has made an assessment of the allocation of responsibility for the climate change adaptation of buildings and infrastructure among key agencies in Norway, Sweden, Finland, Germany, France and Canada. The report ...
    • Naturskadeforsikrings- og erstatningsordninger i seks land 

      Sandberg, Eli; Økland, Andreas; Tyholt, Inger Lise (Klima 2050 Report;21, Research report, 2020)
      Denne studien har kartlagt ansvarsfordelingen og viktige etater for klimatilpasning i Norge, Sverige, Finland, Tyskland, Frankrike og Canada. Rapporten presenterer ordningene for naturskadeerstatning og/eller forsikring i ...